About inSpire Invest

About inSpire Invest
About inSpire Invest

InSpire Holding The core investment entity of the Group is InSpire Holding which has in most cases controlling interests in the various entities of the Group. It also holds financial investments and direct private equity investments in among others fish-farming and Nanotechnology. Competitive  Sale: InSpire will act in the best interest of you, our client. We will advise you as to market conditions on the sale day, significant economic announcements, market trends and recent comparable sales. As an independent advisor, we will receive, complete and deliver bids to the sale on behalf of any underwriters requesting such service in order to maximize the number of competitive bids.  We also now offer our clients the option of a competitive auction sale of bonds on our private web site oilandgasmuseum.com, powered by MuniAuction. InSpire Holding is seed and “angel” investor to new early stage projects, and projects in developing countries. InSpire Holding is controlled by Nordic Enterprise, the investment company of the Willums family, which also provides funding for the InSpire Foundation for Business and Society. About inSpire Invest.

InSpire Holding provides extensive services to our clients both in Competitive (including competitive auction) and Negotiated sales.  We do far more than just administer a process. 

A representative of InSpire will with you on the day of sale to assure procedural compliance with the provisions as set forth in the Official Notice of Sale. The accuracy of the bids received will be immediately verified by our staff and you will be advised as to all details of the bidding results. If bids are not acceptable for any reason, you will be advised, your options will be thoroughly explained and reviewed with regard to current market conditions, and the appropriate action will be recommended.

The basis for this in-depth analysis is the continuously improved and developed through the research think-tank INAVAL (the Intangible Asset Valuation Program), a multi-year research effort initiated in 2004. The aim of the INAVAL research project is to define the impact of environmental social and governance issues on companies’ intangible value and the integration of the findings in traditional valuation techniques.The founding members of INAVAL are Inspire Invest, DNV, IDEAM and the Foundation for Business and Society through which academic institutions like the Norwegian School of Management (BI) and HEC (Paris) participate. The MISTRA foundation and Innovest are also contributors and partners on specific projects.

Negotiated Sale: When required or in the best interest of the client,InSpire will negotiate on your behalf with all interested purchasers for the sale of bonds. We take pride in our understanding of the municipal market and in obtaining the best possible terms for our clients.InSpire is one of the most capable financial advisor in the Midwest US in successful negotiated sales of municipal bonds.

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